Our goal is to assist organizations in unleashing human potential through our formidable consulting and outsourcing services. Our practice has been reinforced with proprietary tools in HR & Technology which have been developed over the years through research and field work.
Human Capital lies at the heart of the business as a strategic delivery. The primary goal of our consulting and outsourcing practice is to ensure Human capital and business alignment. Superior business results, are always the result of alignment. Our consulting focus is based on four stages.
• Diagnosis of the issues
• Design of the intervention and development
• Implementation
• Evaluation of the results
Consulting is both an art and science. While domain expertise processes and tools are very important, the ability to understand customer needs and work with people is equally important. Our consultants are experienced both in their domain expertise and consulting ability. They are accredited professionals with no less than ten years of experience. Our consultants are highly matured, seasoned, professional and have a proven track record in delivering deliverables on time and within budget.
Our core capabilities include the diagnosis, design and development, implementation and evaluation of human resource systems covering the whole spectrum of strategic Human Capital Management.
We believe in processes and tools. Our distinctive approach is based on our PAGE framework. TalentOZ, a strategic software tool reinforces our consulting and outsourcing practice.
When you choose a SMR consultant, you can be sure of the consultant experience with domain and industry expertise. Over the years, we have helped with customers in a variety of countries, industries and cultures implement HR projects with success. As at end 2020, we have worked with 1950 customers in 30+ countries.
The purpose of a Human Capital Audit is to assess the current HR practices in the organization in comparison to prevailing best practices. The audit will consider the organizational strategy and the people alignment. The audit results will present a blueprint for the future. A human capital audit reviews an organization’s HR policies, procedures, and practices. The goal is to make the HR function comprehensive, strategic and a value adding function. The audit will propose areas for improvement and practical solutions for implementation.
A HR Audit report that includes:
• Strengths & Weaknesses in the HR practices
• Current practices Vs Best practices
• Evaluate the level of compliance with mandatory practices
• Blueprint for future improvements and practical solutions for improvement
• Recommendations for new HR Processes, System and Policy improvements
• Standardise HRMS (Human Resources Management System) to follow metrics to evaluate a value
adding HR Function.
Our Approach
Agree on terms of reference
• Investigate/Diagnose current practices through document study, interview senior staff and observation
• Benchmark with best practices database
• Presentation to management on the recommendations of an action Plan
Human Capital Audit Cycle
The purpose of a Learning Needs Analysis is to review the employees’ learning and development needs
in the organization. The Learning Needs Analysis will pinpoint at the organizational level the priority learning needs that need to be addressed to achieve business goals. It ensures the effective utilization and management of the learning budget as learning is needs based and directly aligned to business needs. The return on investment of the training budget is maximized as only priority areas are emphasized.
A Training Plan Report that includes:
• Learning needs at the organizational level
• Departmental level and individual level (only if it is competency based or survey based)
• Proposed training solutions to address the learning needs
• Recommended Annual Training Plan or Training Calendar
Our Approach
• Set up TNA working structure with client
• Explain deliverables and timeline
• Collect data using appropriate method(s)
• Analyze and interpret data
• Make training recommendations
• Present report to management
• Advise on implementation strategy
The purpose of a competency profiling is to identify the position’s knowledge, skills, behaviors required
for successful job performance. SMR provides a systematic, valid, and user-friendly process model to build the organizational and job competency framework/models. While we have an exhaustive database of competencies from which we can draw upon, we also have the expertise to develop competency models and frameworks. We are able to work with focus groups to identify core, role, behavioral and functional competencies.
• Competency Frameworks
• Competency Models
• Competency Dictionary
• Position Competency Profiles
Our Approach
• Identify business case and value of competency to the organization
• Define competency profile using appropriate data collection methods
• Review and validate competency profile
• Link competency to HR functions
• Support competency implementation
• Implement SMR’s PAGE Framework™
The purpose of a Talent Management programme is to ensure you develop the competencies of your
talented employees with a view to retain your top talent. A Talent Management initiative when properly implemented ensures the development of internal talent and retention of such talent. Such a programme provides a structured competency development process for ensuring your internal talent is identified and developed. SMR’s Talent Management programme begins with needs assessment, the development of competencies essential for a systematic long term development intervention and employee engagement.
While talent is important to organizational success so is succession planning. The purpose is to ensure the
availability of a pipeline of successors for critical positions. Succession planning ensures continuity of
organizational success. Smooth succession planning does not happen by chance, it is a result of considerable planning and effort.
Talent Management
• Identifying high potentials
• Developing a Competency framework
• Designing and Implementing a development intervention
• Systematic long term employee engagement
• Coaching on a one-to-one basis
Succession Planning
• Reports on potential Successors and Succession pipeline
• Development programme and strategy
Our Approach
Talent Management
• Structuring the Programme
• Identifying competencies required for development
• Establish current leadership profile
• Design development programme
• Coaching
• Reports Success Metrics
Succession Planning
• Identify the needs
• Identify potentials
• Conduct assessment
• Develop pipeline of successors
• Plan deployment
An assessment center development center is a detailed evaluation of an individual’s skills, organizational fit and developmental needs by assessing them on various competencies, using multiple tools, required to be successful on the job. An assessment center is used by organizations to evaluate their prospective or current workforce for various reasons, such as recruitment, training needs identification, high-potential identification and succession planning
Whether you’re looking to bring new talent to the business or develop existing people, making the wrong decision can have a huge impact on business performance. Traditional interviews alone have been proven to be a poor indicator of future potential of success. By investing in the use of assessment canter techniques the risks in making these decisions can be hugely reduced. Designing and Delivering Assessment Centers will provide you with the skills to significantly increase the predictability of your assessment decisions.
• Individual Report and overall summary report which includes;
-Identification of High potential employees
-Learning and development needs identification
-Succession Planning
-Leadership Development
• Feedback to the candidate or management
Our Approach
• Job analysis and competency framework
• Determine multiple assessment tools
• Map assessment tools with competencies
• Assign capable Assessors (internal and external)
• Communicate assessment plan
• Conduct assessment using various methods
• Data Integration
• Reporting and feedback
Coaching and Mentoring Program is aligned with organizational strategy with human capital development strategy. Help employees to plan, develop, grow, and manage their careers. Also helps employees become resilient in times of change, more self-reliant in their careers, and more responsible as self-directed learners.
Encourage the development of leadership competencies. These competencies are often more easily gained through application and guided practice rather than by education and training.
• Coaching and mentoring implementation Framework
• Tools, template and guidelines for the interventions
• Develop Internal coach and mentors
Our Approach
• Design coaching and Mentoring programme framework
• Conduct awareness session for HR personnel
• Facilitate coaching and mentoring training for internal staff for skill development
• Support internal coaches and mentors during their initial stage
The purpose of outsourcing the Learning and Development (L & D) function is to meet the goal of improved
training efficiencies. L & D costs are managed yet the core learning services are improved with expert external resources. Internal resources are freed up to focus on the core tasks of an organization. If you are a growing company that is aspiring to hire, retain, develop people while keeping your costs down, avoiding administrative hassles and ensuring regulatory compliance, outsourcing the learning and development function is a wise choice.
• Training Needs Analysis to draw an Annual Training Plan
• Training Management software to publish training programme, registration and track training
• Value added services such as e-learning, tele-seminars and e newsletters.
• Access to wide pool of expertise and quick mobilization of resources on as and when needed basis
• Dedicated staff to manage client training activities (onsite and offsite)
Our Approach
Onsite coordinator to carry out the following activities
Pre Training activities
• Conduct TNA and prepare Annual Training Plan
• Sourcing of Trainers and Coordinating training logistic
• Liaising with organizations for training grants
• Promoting programmes and administering nominations
During Training
• Coordination of training logistics and audio visual requirements
• Monitoring participant attendance
Post Training
• Prepare evaluation summary report
• Update participant attendance record
• Prepare monthly management report